It is easy to become discouraged and lose hope while facing challenging circumstances in our lives. Even doing our daily routine or doing the things we used to love would become a great burden when we presently don’t feel like ourselves.

How are we going to cope in times when life’s challenges seem like paralyzing us?
1. Embrace the difficult emotions
Negative emotions or feelings are natural for human beings. We can never avoid those as long as we are here on earth. Instead of avoiding these difficult emotions or feelings, embrace or acknowledge them. Label your emotions and accept that you are experiencing discomfort now, rather than trying to push them away.
The Positives of Negative Emotions (And How to Embrace Them)
2. Be compassionate and kinder to yourself
Give yourself time to acknowledge everything you are currently experiencing. Always talk to yourself like someone you love.
3. Have a support group
Your family, friends, and all of your loved ones can help as you are going through your journey of working on yourself. Knowing that someone has got your back can give you a little boost that you might need.
4. Set new goals
You may be motivated and may find the hope you need to get through a difficult situation by making new goals. Directing your energy in creating or having a vision of achieving something may help uplift yourself. This doesn’t have to be extravagant or anything, even just going out of your bed or out of the house will do! As long as you have clear goals of what you wanted to do, and a clear plan for where you are going.
Self-improvement and growth are important to become the best version of yourself. Developing healthy habits, engaging in self-care rituals, and learning new skills are all life-long tasks. Enjoy every chance that you have.

“Every human has four endowments – self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.” – Stephen Covey