The Japanese manga series One Piece, created and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, has been translated into several languages and has grown into a major media property. In less than two weeks after its premiere, the Netflix adaptation of the manga series has garnered 37.8 million views and is one of the most watched shows in 93 different countries.1
Numerous people have been fans of One Piece for a long time, and there are also those people who recently discovered the show for the first time and became addicted. The series’ multinational casting may have played a role in its quick success. So let’s find out more about the primary cast of the Netflix live-action One Piece series.
Iñaki Godoy2 as Luffy
Godoy played Monkey D. Luffy, also referred to as “Straw Hat” Luffy. He was born on August 25, 2003, in Mexico City. At the age of eleven, he began his acting career and appeared in several films and TV shows in Mexico. When he was eleven, he was casted as Juan Ruiz in a Netflix TV series, The Imperfects. He later gained plaudits for his performance in the starring role of Luffy, the founder and captain of the infamous and strong Straw Hat Pirates.
The actor is taking piano and singing lessons since he loves music. He is also practicing kickboxing and other martial arts because he was motivated to improve his physical capabilities.
Emily Rudd3 as Nami
Actress Emily Ellen Rudd was born on February 24, 1993 and grew up in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She developed an early interest in acting and chose to pursue a career in the performing arts. In the early to mid-2010s, she started her career by participating in a number of music videos and short films. She then got a Television role in 2017 and appeared in a few TV series until being casted in the live-action series One Piece in August 2023 as Nami, Straw Hat Pirates’ navigator.
Rudd enjoys training in the martial arts of kickboxing, judo, and karate in her spare time. Additionally, she adores dogs and has a deep affection for animals.
Taz Skylar4 as Sanji
Tarek Yassin Skylar, better known as Taz Skylar, was born on December 5, 1995 and was raised in the Canary Island of Tenerife, Spain. He is a Spanish and English actor and screenwriter based in London. He started acting in various small roles in 2015 and since then, he has performed in numerous onstage and onscreen performances. His major debut was being casted as “Black Leg” Sanji, the cook of the Straw Hats Pirates.
The actor is currently single and keeps his personal relationship private. He spends his free time with family and friends. Moreover, his Instagram posts clearly demonstrate his love of food.
Jacob Gibson5 as Usopp
Jacob Romero Gibson is a Jamaican-American actor and was born on July 11, 1996. He started his acting in 2018 career before he was chosen for a prominent part playing Usopp, the talented slingshot marksman of the Straw Hats Pirates.
Gibson enjoys mountaineering, Tai Chi and yoga.
Mackenyu Maeda6 as Roronoa Zoro
Mackenyu Maeda, known professionally as Mackenyu Arata or simply Mackenyu, was born on November 16, 1996 in Los Angeles. The japanese actor started his career in 2005 and appeared in a few films and TV shows. In 2015, he moved to Japan, claiming that it would be the best place for him to learn. He landed several lead roles before being hired to play Roronoa Zoro, also known as “Pirate Hunter” Zoro who is also the main combatant of the Straw Hats Pirates.
The actor enjoys anime, with “Hunter x Hunter” being one of his faves. He also practices martial arts and plays the piano.
One Piece Cast React to their Audition Tapes
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